Designing a House

Most of the people think that designing a house is really simple and an easy task. But is it so?

There are really thousands of nuances that make a difference between the house you want and the house you need. Designing a house is really more than just having a roof to protect you from hot sun or heavy rainfalls. Let’s get started why you need an architect to design your house.

Thinking Process of an architect-

If you are a practicing architect, I am pretty sure you have received a phone call asking- “Please design my House”

Uhh, many of them want this service for free as well.

On a phone call I prefer to talk about about two things-

  1. The Process
  2. My cost- most importantly

And, Whenever I am in a meeting with a client I try to know about their requirements and desires. It is the initial stage where I am having my sketchbook and marker with me so that I can note down the things and draw some “at the moment ideas” I got while in the meeting with the client, and the next step is presenting some rough sketches keeping in mind the parameters of the site, this is more like finalizing the concept. And then the next phase- Design Development.

This phase is my favorite as here I not only have to develop the designs but also tackle the technicalities for a better living like creating a well lit and ventilated area for sure. And dealing with the materials that best suits the client’s personality, And most importantly giving a special custom element to the house.

Challenges while designing a House

  1. The most common problem every architect faces is, dealing with many people, while one of them is much satisfied with the proposal but another one is not, yet we have to deal with them all and take their satisfactory level up to the mark.
  2. Free walking zone- Not only having a good bedroom size is sign of good architecture but there should be ideal walking zone so that house should not feel like space constraint.
  3. Landscaping- Having a nice garden outside the house feels welcoming and this should be the motive of every house, to feel welcoming for every guest.

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